Monday, May 14, 2012

Superheros of the Classroom

saw The Avengers with a whole bunch of Macedonians
First day of observation today! We had our last Macedonian lesson this morning. It started raining and never stopped, so the whole practicum group came over to our apartment to escape from the rain. We didn't have to observe the classrooms until later this evening, so we prepared some lessons, did some yoga, and napped. Rainy weather is the perfect climate for napping. Although when you have an apartment full of college students, it's kind of hard to focus.

Eventually we left group by group for our observation classes. We were divided up into 3 groups (we were paired with the people we live with) and all had different times to observe. My group's time was from 8:10-9:20pm, so we had lots of time to kill. We went to the Center for Foreign Languages. It's a school for all ages who pay for these extra English lessons. The class we got to observe was the CPE class. It's the highest level of English offered at this school. The teacher, Natasha, is a top notch teacher. I thoroughly enjoyed watching her conduct her classroom and help her students learn. I took lots of notes for future reference when I have my own classroom. 

After the class finished, we asked Natasha to call us a cab because...well let's face it...we still can't converse in Macedonian. The cab guy picked us up and took us to the movie theater. Our entire practicum group plus a couple of our Macedonian friends wanted to see The Avengers. I loved that movie the first time, and I loved it the second time too. I still laughed at all of the best punch lines, but it was even funnier with a theater full of Macedonians. The movie was in English but had Macedonian sub titles that were delayed, so the laughing was also delayed. Above is a picture of me and my flat mates waiting for the movie to start. It was so much fun being with everyone!

It's a good thing that we get to sleep in tomorrow, because it's 1:35am and I'm still up.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like so much fun and learning! Did you recognize any of the words in the subtitles? Humor must be a universal language. Love you!
