Tuesday, May 29, 2012

If everything went like it was supposed to, we would have a very boring life

This day is definitely one that's going down in the books.

My class didn't start until noon, so I had all morning to relax, do my devotions, and yoga. It was a very peaceful and restful morning as I prepared to teach later in the afternoon. One of my flatmates decided to come with me since our schools are in the same direction. We walked to the bus stop (let me just preface that I have never traveled on this bus or this way for that matter) and waited. And we waited. There was no bus on the horizon and there were no people joining us at this bus stop. So, we did the "logical" thing and kept walking in hopes of finding the next bus stop--hopefully with more people waiting for it.

And so we went...walking and talking and enjoying the beautiful weather.

Then, I looked behind me and saw the bus. The bus that we were supposed to get on was quickly catching up to us. And so what did we do?

We ran.

With our bags clutched in our hands and our hair flying, we tried to sprint to the next bus stop.

Little did we know--the next bus stop was faaarrrr away.

Running in the streets of Skopje is faux pas enough as it is...but having 2 Americans sprinting down to street was just plain hilarious. As I ran, I became very conscious of my bring pink dress that I was wearing. I was like a huge magenta target spot. 

So, we missed the bus; we were running late; and, we couldn't find the next bus stop. Instead, my flatmate and I hopped in a taxi and tried to give the taxi driver directions to my school. My school is not exactly easy to find. It's in a neighborhood which does not have a major road going past it. Our taxi driver had to ask a pedestrian for directions which I found so hilarious.

Eventually I made it and I wasn't even that late. The teacher who is helping me was waiting outside of the school. She walked me to the classroom where most of the teachers were already seated and waiting. One of the good things about Macedonians (in this case at least) is that they are usually late.

I have 11 students/teachers. Once I got there, I introduced myself again and had them each introduce themselves. And from there, I started the lesson and things just started to flow. The teachers were laughing and working together to figure out what I was saying. Because they signed up to take this class, they actually want to be here and learn. I didn't feel any pressure from them to be perfect. They just want to learn, so that's what I'm going to try to help them do.

So...day 2 is done. Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring (hopefully no more bus chasing though)!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I guess you didn't have to worry about working out today! Bright pink dress...not necessarily work out attire:) Sounds like your idea for the intro worked well. It was great to talk with you yesterday. Love you!
